dashboard of osvauld
dashboard of osvauld

One app for
all your

Simplify how you manage sensitive data.
Keep your passwords offline, but synced. With Osvauld, your secrets are safe, accessible, and only yours.
dashboard of osvauld
dashboard of osvaulddashboard of osvauld

Why Use Osvauld?

Osvauld brings privacy-respecting and secure local-first password manager to the masses.Syncing between your devices happens through direct connections.

Always Accessible, Even Offline

Never be stuck without your important information. Whether it's passwords, notes, or other essentials, you can view, create, and update everything without an internet connection. Once you're back online, your data automatically syncs across all your devices.

It’s like having a personal notebook that’s always with you and keeps everything up-to-date seamlessly. Simple Yet Powerful Security.

image representing end-to-end Offline-First Implementation

Simple yet powerful security

Your data is safeguarded with top-tier encryption, ensuring everything stays secure and private. Imagine having a digital vault that only you can open—we make sure your information remains protected and inaccessible to anyone else, including us.

image representing end-to-end encryption

Connect any two devices on the planet

Lets you establish direct peer-to-peer connections whenever possible, falling back to relay servers if necessary. This gives you fast, reliable connections that are authenticated and encrypted end-to-end using QUIC.

All your data management happens only on your device, eliminating the need to send sensitive information to external servers.


Audit, contribute,
and redistribute.
Osvauld is fully

Under MIT license.

We're everywhere!